
Why does antibiotic treatment fail?

The antibiotic may not besuitable for treating the microbe; for example, using ampicillin in treatingmycoplasma disease. Mycoplasma is not affected by any antibiotic from thisgroup (because this group destroys the microbe’s wall, while mycoplasma doesnot have a cell wall). Antagonism betweenantibodies and vaccines. The inability of theantibiotic to reach the site of the infection; due to chemical orpharmacological reasons related to the antibiotic or due to the presence ofother obstacles, such as pus or dead tissue. This occurs in mycoplasma, wherepus collects on the lungs, heart, and liver. Using an antibioticincorrectly, such as using an antibiotic that is not absorbed in the case of asystemic infection, such as (coryza). Using an antibiotic that ispoorly stored or has expired. In this case, the antibiotic may lose itseffectiveness and turn into a toxic compound, such as (tetracycline). Using an incorrectantibiotic in terms of composition and type. Using an antibiotic withanother chemical compound: The presence of some disinfectants in drinkingwater, such as oxidizing disinfectants from the chlorine and iodine groups,which spoil most of the antibiotics, or the presence of high levels of salts thatmay precipitate the antibiotics. High water temperaturesspoil many antibiotics that are affected by heat. Vaccination fails if thedose and duration are incorrect. Principles of choosing antibiotics Factors related to the microbe: Conducting a sensitivity test: It is considered one of thefoundations of choosing an antibiotic, in which we learn which antibiotics areeffective against the microbe causing the disease, and this leads to successfultreatment and saving costs. Factors related to the antibiotic: The characteristics of the antibiotic must be known, suchas its absorption into the blood, its arrival at the sites of infection in therequired concentrations, and its continued presence in those places forappropriate periods to eliminate the cause of the disease. The duration of antibiotic treatment lasts from 3-5 days. The type of antibiotic, whether it kills bacteria orinhibits bacterial growth. Bird-related factors: The antibiotic is chosen based on the immune status of thebirds. It either kills the microbe or only stops its growth. This requires thatthe immune status of the birds to be high, as their immunity is what controlsand eliminates the microbe whose growth has been stopped by the antibiotics.

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Mycotoxin Treatment

Mycotoxinsare chemical substances secreted by fungi in the surrounding areas. The mostcommon toxins are ochratoxin and aflatoxin, which infect poultry as a result oftheir growth in the fodder. There are other types, such as T-2 toxin, tumonisins,and zearalenone.These fungialso grow in the stored fodder in the silos, during transportation, and in importships, as transportation and storage take a long time. And then, when the fodderarrives at the farm or the hangar, the methods of storage, such as storing thefodder in places exposed to the sun and heat or in places with high humidity orpoor ventilation, and also when putting the fodder directly on the ground,represent an important factor in the growth of these fungi and that’s by Forms offungal poisoning: • Acutefungal poisoning:It occurswhen birds eat fodder with a high concentration of mycotoxins, causing them to beweak, lethargic, with ruffled feathers, and a yellow face. • Chronicfungal poisoning: It occurswhen birds eat fodder contaminated with low-concentration mycotoxins. This typeof infection is of great economic impact and causes the following symptoms: Loss of appetite, intestinal infections, and diarrheaof ​​varying severity that make chickens weigh less than the required weight atthe end of the fattening period. Decrease in the efficiency of food conversion,bleedings in the form of red spots and sometimes blue bruises that spreadthroughout the muscles of the body and under the skin. Decreased egg production and high daily mortalityrate. Repeated occurrence of disease infections as a resultof weak immunity. Toxic effects on the liver, enlargement of the liver,and the change of its color to congested or yellow. Mycotoxins cause immunodeficiency, enlargement of thespleen and kidneys, kidney failure, especially the ochratoxin toxins, they alsocause an increase in water consumption, bleeding in various organs of the bodyand under the skin, and also cause ascites in the abdomen. Treatment: Putting anti-mycotoxins in the birds’ drinking water for 10 days, while using asuitable and powerful anti-toxin that eliminates all types of toxins.   Chemicalantitoxins: It contains a number of organic acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid, citric acid,malic acid, and tartaric acid. These acids convert these toxins into non-toxicsubstances, and the body excrete them through the kidneys.   Biological antitoxins: Extractedfrom cell walls such as the cell walls of mannan, beta-glucan, and some livebacteria, such as lactobacillus. These natural substances absorb toxins ontheir surfaces, preventing their absorption into the body and excretion fromthe body. **Theanti-toxin must contain a diuretic in order to help expel the toxins, convertthem into non-toxic substances, and excrete them through the kidneys. It mustcontain a liver stimulant such as (silymarin, betaine, sorbitol, L-carnitine)as it treats the damage caused by the toxins in the liver, so, it will functionwell, and so will the gallbladder, as the bile juice plays an important role inremoving toxins from the body.

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